Seven Samurai 20XX is a combat-oriented action adventure based on Akira Kurosawa's 1954 movie, The Seven Samurai. Players control the young masterless Samurai Natoe as he confronts an army of mechanical beasts laying siege to humanity's last surviving city. Natoe slowly discovers that he must protect the "Holy Child," Earth's last hope.
To do this, he must unite and lead a group of samurai warriors against treacherous enemy forces. Gameplay includes several different ancient martial arts forms. The game's designers consulted with Akira Kurosawa's son, Hisao, during production to ensure authenticity. French comic artist Moebius designed character concepts, and Academy Award-winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto delivered the soundtrack.
* Battle more than 40 unique enemies in a journey across a massive futuristic city
* Use a variety of samurai fighting styles and moves
* Inspired by Akira Kurosawa's classic movie Seven Samurai
The greatest samurai tale of all time.
Engage in heart-pounding melee combat using a variety of samurai fight styles and moves.
Fight your way throught a massive futuristic city, taking on more than 40 unique enemies.
Enter a cinematic experience full of moments inspired by Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece.
You are Natoe, a masterless samurai in a city overrun by enemy hordes. Make yourself a legend, becoming one of seven samurai standing against an army.
Inspired by Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai and produced in collaboration wirh Kurosawa Production, with character design by renowned sci-fi visualist Moebius (Alien, The Fifth Element) and opening and ending theme music by Academy Award winner Ryuichi Sakamoto (The Last Emperor), Seven Samurai 20XX is an epic action game based on a timeless tale.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Samurai & Anime themes.