Move character, scroll items, control 1st person camera, rotate map -
Left Analog Stick
Scroll items, scroll options -
Control 3rd person camera, rotate map -
Right Analog Stick
Confirm selection, skip briefing screen, jump, action, activate cheat actions, take photo -
X Button
Use equipped event inventory item, review mission details -
Circle Button
Attack, use weapon, auto-target enemies -
Square Button
Cancel selection, access inventory menu, take selected item -
Triangle Button
Holster or draw weapon -
Triangle Button (quickly tap)
Enter 1st person view, zoom out -
R1 Button
Cycle to next screen, toggle multiple targets, cycle map locations, center camera -
R2 Button
Switch to mini-cam view -
R3 Button
Crouch, activate wall camouflage, remove disguise, activate cheat actions, eavesdrop, zoom in, access disguise change areas -
L1 Button
Cycle to next screen, toggle multiple targets, cycle map locations -
L2 Button
Unstick from wall -
L3 Button
Pause menu, skip cut-scenes, skip demo, confirm selections -
Start Button