In the third installment of the Metal Slug series, General Morden is back and he plans to establish a new world order. The player guides one of the heroes: Marco, Tarma, Eri, or Fio, as they blast their way through side-scrolling levels with a unique theme, filled with countless enemies and bosses. The player has to free hostages and can ride bizarre vehicles such as camels, elephants, tanks, and robots.
In the Xbox version, additional game modes, such as Storming the Mothership and Chubby Isle Paradiso, can be unlocked upon completing the five arcade stages. A co-op mode has been included, but no online multiplayer. The only Xbox Live feature available allows the player to compare single-player scores.
Metal Slug 3, the 4th instalment in the METAL SLUG series, takes shooter enthusiasts to all new heights. Every stage provides exciting, intense action and an array of unique enemy characters. Even more, the "Crossroad Entrance" not included in previous METAL SLUG games, lets players take alternate routes to discover more action packed stages. Features:
A multitude of "vehicles" are positioned throughout the game. Each dramatically increases the firepower and defensive capabilities of the player character to enable awesome attacks! METAL SLUG 3 substantially increases the number of Metal Slugs now boasting 10 different models!
The unique setting of the previous "Metal Slug" games has been faithfully modified in this new version. Players will still enjoy all the fun of Metal Slug plus all new rewards for discovering hidden items, saving hostages and puzzle solving.
With an intriguing twist on the storyline, unparalleled game play and special features, Metal Slug 3 even surpasses Metal Slug X, the zenith of 2D Action Shooting!
Battle across challenging stages all packed with a wide array of unique enemies.
Take alternate routes and explore exciting new stages with Crossroad Entrances on each level.
Attack vehicles include the METAL SLUG, Camel Slug, Rebel Armour, Slug Mariner and more. Find all 10 models for increased defense and firepower!
Cool weapons include Handguns, Power-ups Guns, Grenades, Cannons and more!
Clear the Arcade mission and unlock bonus missions exclusive to the home console.
Play with a friend for some intense 2-player action!!
- Third person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- World War II, SCIFI & Humour themes.