The Breakfast Club meets Resident Evil, with this survival horror adventure set in a typical American high school, the first video game developed by the French studio Hydravision Entertainment. Players take the roles of five different students attending the run-down Leafmore High School, each representing a different social-clique stereotype. Kenny comes off as a typical BMOC jock. His sister Shannon is an "A" student with first-aid training. Kenny's friend Stan is a bit of a delinquent, always scheming, while Ashley is a prom-queen-type with martial arts skills and Josh is a nerdy reporter for the school paper with a good eye for important details.
At least one of the five must survive through the story to reach the game's conclusion, but each possesses distinct abilities -- such as Kenny's speed and strength, or Stan's thieving skills -- so keeping as many of them alive as possible can make it easier to overcome various obstacles and survive surprise attacks. The students' exploration of the spooky high school corridors is punctuated with fast-paced running and shooting action sequences. In good adventure-game style, players will also need to fill their inventories with whatever items they can scrounge, and figure out how to use or combine this equipment in order to solve puzzles and progress through the story.
Obscure was previously released in Europe under the title Mortifilia. Prior to development of this survival horror game, Hydravision created Zombies, a series of French language pen-and-paper role-playing rulebooks.
* Alternate among five playable characters through a teen horror movie setting
* Play in "Solo" mode or have a friend take control of another student in "Cooperative" mode
* Be immersed in the storyline as you physically interact with the environment
Survival horror hits the high schools - the first action-adventure in the style of American teen slasher movies.
Tortured screams echo through Leafmore High's deserted corridors. Faceless creatures lurk in the shadows. Five teenagers set out to bring light into the darkness - and experience a night that will scar their souls forever.
Featuring music by:
unique two-player cooperative mode
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Horror & Mystery themes.