The Incredibles is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy superhero film written and directed by Brad Bird and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was the sixth film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The film's title is the name of a family of superheroes who are forced to hide their powers and live a quiet suburban life. Mr. Incredible's desire to help people draws the entire family into a battle with an evil villain and his killer robot.
A video game based on the film was released on the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, PC, and Macintosh, as well as on mobile phones. Though based on the film, several key scenes are altered from the original script.
This PlayStation 2 version of The Incredibles is a platform adventure that follows the plot of the Pixar film. The family of former superheroes is called back to action, as each of the five main characters is playable at some point through the game's 18 levels. As Mr. Incredible, players will rely on strength and durability to battle through, while Elasti-Girl uses her powers to attack from a distance and reach remote areas. The kids each take their turns as well, in levels specifically designed to challenge their super abilities. Like the characters, the game's environments are based directly on locations featured in the movie, and are interactive to encourage creative play and puzzle-solving.
The action game sees you controlling the Incredible family members, each with their own super powers. Lift insanely heavy objects, bash through walls as Mr. Incredible, stretch to swing across chasms and grab enemies as Mrs. Incredible as well as taking control of their kids Dash (run amazingly fast) and Violet (invisibility) in the 3D action game.
* Action/adventure game based on the plotline of the movie
* Play as all the film’s main characters
* Fighting, racing, and puzzle action/adventure gameplay featuring the characters’ unique superpowers
* Live the film’s action, adventure, and humour over 18 levels
These are your powers. Bombs. Bullets. Robots. Lasers. Your enemy controls them all. The only way to survive being The Incredibles is to truly be incredible.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Superheroes, SCIFI, Fantasy & Humour themes.