Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex follows the Japanese animated television series of the same title, which is based on the manga of Masamune Shirow and lauded for its blend of existential insight and sci-fi action. This third-person action-adventure interpretation for PlayStation 2 features platforming through futuristic urban environments, a number of hacking puzzles based on the cybernetic protagonists' special abilities, and, when necessary, a fair share of shoot-'em-up action. Players can control Major Motoko Kusanagi and officer Bateau through the game, making use of the ability to "hack" into the minds of other cyborgs to steal key information or get hints of enemy plans and locations.
The games take place in the year 2030, between the stories told in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG.
In the year 2030, cybercrime, espionage and terrorism plague a society lost between humanity and technology. As one of the trusted members of the government organization known as Section 9, Major Motoko Kusanagi must uncover the truth behind a mysterious case known only as T.A.R.
Levels are separated along the two parallel parts of the Section 9 investigation that forms the basis of the storyline, with some sections following Batou's experiences and others recounting Kusanagi's solo journey to the region where the plot appears to originate from.
Gameplay uses a third-person perspective, and players use a variety of weapons, including the ability to ghost-hack opponents, in order to progress. Kusanagi's levels tend to require the player to use her agility to progress to a much greater degree than Batou's levels, which tend to feature a focus on more heavy firepower. Media response was generally positive, but reserved, citing the high quality graphics and enjoyable, action-packed gameplay but noting the slightly awkward controls, lack of any real innovation and the failure to use the license to its full potential, for example not using hacking as a more advanced, useful or integral gameplay feature.
Features for "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex" include
* Three playable characters, including "Major" Motoko Kusanagi, Batou and Tachikoma.
* Over 20 minutes of beautifully rendered CGI "Ghost in the Shell" FMV.
* 15 Weapon types, including sniper rifles, sub-machine guns and missile launchers!
* Ability to hack into machinery, computers, and enemies' minds from a distance.
* Engaging single player story mode with an informative tutorial that gets you into martial arts action quickly.
* Multiplayer combat for up to four players, including both team matches and battle royal.
* Three difficulty levels to challenge even the most experienced gamers.
* 12 stages of enemies and obstacles to overcome
- Third & First person perspectives.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI, Futuristic & Anime themes.