Saint Seiya is a popular Anime series based on the manga by Masami Kurumada. Set in Japan in the mid eighties, it follows the story of five orphans who are adopted by Mitsumasa Kido, the philanthropic owner of a foundation for orphaned children. They are sent to different parts of the world to train and obtain bronze cloths that enable them to take on special powers and become ‘Bronze Saints’. On their return, they are to compete in a Tournament and win a golden cloth. However it is stolen and the five embark on a series of adventures which feature Greek and Norse pagan gods of myth. Many battles see them fighting ‘saints’ of various metallic colours.
A Saint Seiya (often know in America as ‘Knights of the Zodiac’) game last appeared on the NES in the eighties. A new game from Bandai and Atari brings the world of Saint Seiya to the PS2. The game is set during the first adventure of our five heroes, as they get involved in the battle for the gold cloth between the Knights of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and Ares, God of War. Naturally for such a martial arts-inspired franchise, the game takes the form of a fighting game, and offers many delights for Seiya fans, with each character boasting his or her own ‘Big Bang’ special attack, and many memorable moments from the show recreated in CG and with crisp, re-recorded sound.
Saint Seiya: The Sanctuary is a fighting game based on the Saint Seiya franchise and follows the "Gold Saint Saga" of the TV series. The player takes the role of a Saint Seiya who has to save the life of the Goddess of Peace Athena. To do that he has to visit twelve temples representing the astrological signs. Saint Seiya: Chapter Sanctuary has much to offer even those who have never heard of the series, with a compelling Storymode and two players battle modes.
Special attention has been paid to the gold cloth armour of the characters in the game which dynamically reflects light in the environments during gameplay creating a lustrous shimmer effect. The game includes over an hour of specially recreated 3D cut-scenes of key moments from the anime, and with more than 17 playable characters to be discovered in the game, and a host of other stunning features yet to be revealed there will be much to please fans and newcomers alike.
The gameplay of each level is divided into two parts: Reaching the palace and defeating the Gold Saint. The former is a traditional hack & slash game where the player fights against hordes of enemies. He has the standard move repertoire to his disposal: regular attacks, dodging, blocking and special attacks. For the latter the player needs a certain amount of power in a special energy bar - it decreases with every special attack and increases if the player is hit.
When reaching the temple the game switches to a one to one fighting game style. The basic gameplay stays the same but if the special energy bar is filled to the max the play can use an extremely powerful attack which results in a typical anime cutscene. But it is not without downsides: the enemy can block the attack by mastering a quicktime event (pressing a button in the exact moment it appears on screen). Then he starts an equally powerful counter attack which results in a sequence where both players need to mash buttons - if the counter attack is successful depends on which player is faster. If the life energy of one opponent is empty a similar sequence starts.
The multiplayer part is restricted to the one against one fighting style.
Game Modes:
- 12 Golds Palace (Experience intense battles between Bronze and Gold Saints)
- 1000-DayWar (Take on a friend or the computer in Challenge Mode)
- Zodiac Holiday (Enjoy the characters, toys, and others items you're gathered)
- Demon Pope Fist: Where Gold Saints have to beat the 5 Bronzes Saints before they reach the Kyoko's (Sanctuary Master) Palace
The legend says that every 200 years evil will come back to earth and will try to rule the whole world with a helping hand from it's forces. At the same time, the goddess athena will be reincarnated to prevent evil from accession to power on earth, and save the world.
Evil or good?
Your journey through the Sanctuary begins here!
- Original japanese voiceover
- More than 20 playable characters including your favourite bronze and gold saints
- Over 80 minutes of specially recreated scenes from the anime all in 3D
- Fight your way through the twelve palaces and unlock exciting game modes
- Relive the anime with cosmo power and faithful combos for each character
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Ancient Greek, Myths, Fantasy & Anime themes.