Do all of these at the screen that says press start - Alternate costumes for straw hats (NA) - For the D costumes hold R1:
Chopper's 4th Costume -
Left, X, Right, Circle, Triangle, Left, Right, Square
Luffy's 4th Costume -
Up, Circle, Up, Circle, Square, X, X, Up
Nami's 4th Costume -
Left, Circle, Left, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Down
Sanji's 4th Costume -
Up, Circle, Down, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle
Usopp's 4th Costume -
Right, Circle, Right, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle
Zolo's 4th Costume -
Down, Circle, Down, Circle, Square, X, X, Triangle
Nami's 4th Costume -
Left, O, Left, O, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Down 
Do all of these at the screen that says press start - Unlocking Straw Hat pirate's 3rd costume (NA) - For the C costumes hold L1:
Chopper's 3rd costume -
Triangle, Left, Right, X, Up, X, Down
Luffy's 3rd costume -
Up, X, Up, X, Square, X, X
Nami's 3rd costume -
Left, X, Left, X, Square, X, Triangle
Sanji's 3rd costume -
Up, X, Down, X, Square, X, Circle
Usopp's 3rd costume -
Right, X, Right, X, Square, X, Triangle
Zolo's 3rd costume -
Down, X, Down, X, Square, X, Triangle
All Movies -
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