This sixth installment in Gust's console RPG series comes to North American PS2s courtesy of Nippon Ichi Software America. Players enter the fantasy world of Regallzine, a place divided into small, independent countries that is home to the "Great Sprirt." As in the previous, Japan-only releases in the series, the game's magic system involves alchemy, the mystical power that allows the combination and creation of powerful items.
The world of Regallzine, the dwelling place of the Great Spirit, Mana, is comprised of three continents surrounded by a vast sea. Within the world of Regallzine, the Esviore region has been under the rule of King Slaith. However, King Slaiths ruling powers over South Esviore began to diminish about 100 years ago. Today South Esviore is no longer under the kings rule. Each city and town in South Esviore rules its own land. Kavoc is the largest of these cities.
Unlike earlier games, however, the hero of Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana is a young man (not a maiden) named Klein Kiesling. He is joined by Ryta Blanchimont, a traditional "altier" alchemist, and Popo, a fairy with influence over the Regallzine's "Mana" spirits. The game's combat system plays out in a turn-based fashion, but the time cost of each combat ability is factored, and the order in which character's make their moves is determined by the time required for each chosen action.
The Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Premium Box comes with a game, music box and 3 pieces of postcards.
* Create and customize over 300 different items and weapons by using the power of Mana
* Controls allow players to run, jump, and attack
* Use your skills in alchemy to defeat deadly monsters
The Art of Alchemy Can be so Deadly!
In an age of peace and harmony, the power of evil is lurking in the shadows. The descendants of the dying art of alchemy must rise to defend all that there is. Together with the forces of Mana, you must decide the destiny of the entire world...
Extract elemental powers from field objects for your alchemy experiments! Use the power of Mana to create over 300 different items!
Use your alchemy skills to battle vicious monsters! Never before seen special moves!
Over 400 events that can occur as a result of your actions!
Alchemic Adventure RPG
- Third person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Medieval Fantasy themes.