Based on the animated movie, The Ant Bully puts you in the role of Lucas, a 10-year old boy who passes his time by tormenting an ant hill. Before he knows it, the ants use a magic potion to shrink him down to their size. Then they put him to work for the colony, giving him a fresh perspective on life.
While out in his backyard flooding bug houses, Lucas Nickle is minimized to the size of an ant by an insect shaman determined to teach the Ant Bully a lesson. Based on the 2006 Warner Bros. picture, players will guide Lucas through this new world while helping his new six-legged friends find food, and battle enemies including wasps, spiders, termites, pill bugs, and humans.
As he increases his ant strength, stamina, and climbing skills, Lucas will travel through 18 missions including the Nickle's backyard and the frog pond, enlisting the help of other ants to create a bridge for him to cross or a ladder to climb. Some missions require Lucas to fly on the back of a wasp, or hang glide, and he can battle enemies by using a staff, bow, lava silk squirter, and seed bombs.
* Battle spiders, pill bugs, earwigs, fleas, and mosquitoes with a variety of weapons
* Play as Lucas and save Zoc, Spindle, Hova, Fugax, and Kreela from extermination
* Use skills such as telepathy and super strength to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles
* Encounter 18 different missions and boss fights inspired by the movie in your quest to become an ant and experience a wide variety of game play.
* Visit locations such as the Ant Hill, Lucas’ House, Lucas' Yard, the Broken Glass Garden, Caterpillar Stables and the Frog Pond from the viewpoint of an ant.
Based on the exciting journey of the digitally animated family adventure The Ant Bully, experience the perils of an ant's world as you evolve from recluse to hero in a quest to save the colony from extermination.
Play as Lucas as you fight like an ant in a human-sized world!
Unleash your super-strength and defy gravity.
Experience thrilling adventures like hang-gliding and flying on wasps!
Use telepathy to overcome obstacles.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy & Anime themes.