Based on the television series, Legend of the Dragon is the story of two twins, Ling and Ang, who are torn between good and evil by jealousy, anger, and fate. As the best fighter in the Dragon Dojo, Ling prepares herself to become the next Golden Dragon, but is severely disappointed when her brother, Ang is chosen instead. Consumed by raging fury, Ling is easily persuaded to join with the evil Zodiac Master. She changes her name to Shadow Dragon and vows revenge as she tries to collect and control the 12 Zodiac bracelets.
To gain possession of the armlets, one must visit each of the guarded temples housing the magic jewelry and defeat the guardian waiting there. Each bracelet features an image also found in the Ancient Chinese Zodiac, and whoever holds the bangles acquires the power to transform into the animal engraved on each manacle. Legend of the Dragon features eight modes of play and three multiplayer options, including "PlayQuest," "Arcade," "Training," "Survival," and more. Each of the 24 playable characters has a unique fighting technique, and they all can find collectibles and power-ups throughout their journeys.
Journey to the 12 temples to defeat the guardians and take control of each bracelet
Use the bangles to morph into an animal featured in the Ancient Chinese Zodiac
Select from eight modes of single-and multiplayer gameplay such as "PlayQuest," "Arcade," "Training," "Survival," and mo
19 characters from the series are playable
Each character is capaple of transforming!
Players can move around freely in the outside universe or places of combat.
All the important places from the cartoon series are present in the game as combat arenas
8 different game modes including Play Quest mode, Arcade mode, Training mode and Survival mode
3 multi-player modes
3D animations true to the graphic style of the TV series.
Join the battle to maintain the universal balance between darkness and light with all the popular characters from the animated TV series: Ang Lueng never dreamed that he would be the next Golden Dragon. He always assumed his twin sister, Ling, the best fighter of the Dragon Dojo run by their mentor Master Chin, was next in line. Ling is deeply humiliated. She swears to take vengeance upon those who betrayed her, starting with her brother and Master Chin.
The lure of power from the Zodiac Master proves too much for Ling. Her hatred leads her into darkness and she becomes the Shadow Dragon.
Enjoy the magic tale of the Legend of the Dragon in this combat action/adventure game that combines the thrilling fighting sequences and compelling story line of the TV series - all wrapped up in outstanding game play and animation!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Martial Arts & Fantasy themes.