GrimGrimoire is the tale of a young magician named Lillet Blan. After getting into a prestigious magic school, Blan wakes up on the fifth day to find all the other students and faculty have disappeared. Blan realizes she is continuously living out her first day of school and must use her memories to solve the mystery and locate all the missing people.
In a world where science is replaced by magic, youngsters attend wizardry schools to learn the art of magic, and the most prestigious of them all is the Tower of Silver Star. Only the most gifted, attend this school to learn from Dummel Drusk, the legendary wizard who once defeated the evil overlord that occupied the Tower.
The game story opens with Lillet Blan, a student at the Tower of Silver Star is notified about the horrible event that occurred during her 5 days away. She is told that everybody including students and professers were all killed. Now Lillet Blan must investigate the magical tower to uncover what occured during the 5 days she was gone.
* Solve puzzles and obtain new clues by using memories from previous days at the academy
* Uncover the mystery behind the missing people
* Lead Lillet through a variety of environments found at her magic school
The world of wizardry needs a new hero.
Magical World Setting
What did you learn in
school today?
Daring RTS Battles
Command everything from cute
little elves to ferocious dragons!
Breathtaking Summons
Draw beautiful runes to
summon new familiars!
Extended Play Mode
Just when you thought
you were done, 25
Bonus Levels await you.
"An enchanting,
delightful dose of wicked,
wizardly warfare."
- Hardcore Gamer Magazine
"Absolutely gorgeous 2D art...
An intoxicating hybrid of real-time...
utterly unique and captivating."
- TotalPlayStation
Spellbinding and intuitive,
real time strategy for everyone!
- Third person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Medieval Fantasy theme.