Based on the classic characters by Jay Ward and the updated Cartoon Network show, George of the Jungle invites players to take control of George. As they swing their way through the game players will encounter many hostiles, including crocodiles, monkey tribes, and tiki warriors. Users can also interact with all of George's friends, such as Ursula, Shep, Dr. Scott, and Ape.
Players swing, climb, and platform their way through the jungle in search of the missing documents which could hold the key to the "secret" medical mystery. The camera views and turns show the 3D view, but essentially the game is played as a 2D platformer with a linear path on a single plane. Often George needs to manipulate objects in the environment, for instance moving boxes to create a platform, to continue.
Explore the jungle atmosphere by swinging, running, jumping, and charging through each stage
Interact with such characters from the book as Ursula, Shep, Dr. Scott, and Ape
Battle and defeat enemies including tiki warriors, monkey tribes, and crocodiles
Jungle, watch out for that TREEEEE!
Grab a vine and take a wild swing through the jungle and into the fun. Join the king of the jungle and his friends in a hilarious new adventure.
Swing, run, jump, climb and charge your way through exciting adventures as George of the Jungle!
Interact with the whole gang - Ursula, Magnolia, Dr. Scott, the Witch Doctor, Shep and of course George's best buddy Ape.
Battle hostile monkey tribes, ferocious crocodiles, tiki warriors, and many other hilarious and entertaining enemy encounters.
Join George on his outrageous quest through the rich, lush jungle environments - dangerous to some, a playground to George.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Jungle & Anime themes.