Soul Nomad & the World Eaters begins in a world called Prodesta where an evil entity named Gig has returned with his three beasts known as World Eaters. The land of Prodesta has battled these monsters before, two hundred years earlier when Princess Layna sacrificed herself to capture the enemies and save the land from certain doom. Now they are back and you are the chosen hero who must battle through several environments to keep Prodesta alive. After creating your character, you learn that Gig has possessed your body and is offering you his strength to defeat your foes.
Unfortunately, the powers you accept from Gig allow him to overtake more of your mind. A large part of the game is learning how much power you can use before you are completely consumed by evil. You are sent through the world to battle Gig's minions on grid-based battlefields with a party of your creation.
Your group is composed of soldiers you purchase with Gig points, and you must set them up on the battleground so that their attributes and skills are put to good use. However, if you are running low on points you can also kidnap townsfolk and force them to join your cause. Battle is based around team work, and there are 40 different group abilities you may add to your arsenal as you attempt to defeat the enemy and save Prodesta.
* Create a character by selecting class, weaponry, clothing, hair, and physical features
* Use Gig's powers carefully to avoid being consumed by his evil presence
* Purchase party members with Gig points and place them strategically on the battlefield
Some people just aren't fit to play god.
The God of Death is back, and he's looking for trouble!
Use his power to slay the mighty World Eaters, but don't get carried away...
Assemble an army to rival the gods!
Explore a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and mayhem!
Create units and customize every aspect of your squads!
Treat innocent civilians with kindness or harsh brutality!
- Third person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Medieval Fantasy theme.