Inspired by Marvel's summer-2008 cinema, Iron Man returns to consoles and handhelds in a concurrently released combat action game. Players take the role of the troubled engineering genius (and billionaire) Tony Stark, creator of a powerful suit of high-tech armor he wears to become the title hero. Combat takes place both on the ground and in the air, and players have access to the hero's power armor abilities, including rocket boots and repulsor rays.
The game plays out across large, open, multi-objective battlefields, where Iron Man can re-purpose objects and equipment to attack enemies or cripple their defenses, as well as put his suits' arsenal to good use. As in the film and comics, different armor suit options become available as the story progresses, offering different powers.
* Freely switch between ground combat and flight
* Customize your powerful suit
* Battle fighter jets, tanks, turrets, missile launchers, and more
The epic, action-packed Marvel Studios production will be directed by John Favreau and stars Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges, Terrance Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow. This third-person action game will immerse players in explosive militaristic combat from the film with loads of additional content created exclusively for the game.
* A DEVASTATING WEAPON: Iron Man alone battles armies of fighter jets, military tanks, armored Super Villains and more.
* POWER CONTROL: Players will direct power to different parts of Iron Man's suit, creating a variety of unique attacks.
* CHAOTIC BATTLEFIELDS: Open-ended battlefields create adrenalinepacked combat filled with unpredictable challenges.
* BEYOND THE MOVIE: The game includes additional plotlines and characters from the Iron Man Comic Universe that are not featured in the movie.
* OPEN WORLD: Players have complete freedom to move anywhere in the environment and make seamless transitions between ground combat and open air flight.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI, Superheroes & Comic themes.