Based on the third and final season of the acclaimed, animé-influenced action series, Into the Inferno follows Aang and his friends while they prepare to make their final stand against the Fire Nation. As a fateful comet nears its return to the world, the Last Avatar must find a way to bend the terrible powers of Fire Lord Ozai's armies -- and the raw power of fire itself -- away from the ultimate domination and destruction they imminently threaten.
From an isometric perspective, players guide Aang, Katara, Sokka, and other characters in martial arts combat and through 3D action sequences. Each character fights in his or her appropriate style, employing the powers of air, water, earth, and fire, as in the animated series. Characters can also ply their various elemental bending powers to alter the environment to their advantage, and may need to do so in order to progress through certain key stages.
Follow the final adventures of Aang and his allies as they face the Fire Nation
Use the powers of air, water, earth, and fire to attack enemies and alter the environment
Play as key characters from the television series; interact with many, many others
Avatar - The Legend Of Aang: Into the Inferno is an action adventure that follows the plot of season 3 of the highly successful animated TV series. In the game the Fire Nation devises a plot to use the power of Sozin's Comet to rain devastation on the world. The fate of the world lies in the hands of a few young, brave heroes - Aang and his friends - as they prepare for the ultimate showdown against Fire Lord Ozai and his terrorizing army.
Special Combat Moves - Perform explosive martial arts moves of your favourite characters from the TV show.
Exciting New Wii Functionality – Control all four elements (Water, Fire, Air and Earth) using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
New Flying Levels – Fly on gliders and explore the expanded Avatar world like never before.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Martial Arts & Fantasy themes.