THQ's tiny tribal shaman returns for another series of adventures, this time on a quest to rid the world of four giant "Grosstrosities" that he accidentally unleashed. The series' traditional platforming has been supplemented with a new "parkour" style that lets Tak run up walls, slide down poles, and swing on vines, all while trying to rid the world of the Stink Giant, the Slime Giant, the Landfill Giant, and the Molten Cheese Giant. There are a handful of stench-themed mini-games in each level, gamers can control Jeera through a special jungle-driving level, and as always, players collect "juju" magic spells to help ward off enemies.
Tak and the Guardians of Gross is a 3D platform game and the fourth game in the Tak series. Tak accidently releases four enormous creatures called Big G's while doing his job cleaning a shrine. Now he has to find a way to get rid of them again by finding the four people that know how to do it, one for each creature.
You take control of Tak while traversing the jungle as he attempts to undo his error. Gameplay includes platforming as well as defeating enemies with your magical staff. The game also offers several minigames that can be played together with a friend.
Guide Tak on a quest to destroy four giant, stinking monsters
Run up walls, slide down poles, and swing on vines in new parkour-inspired gameplay
Slide skunks and drop buckets of hot cheese in odoriferous mini-games
The Stench Of Trouble!
Tak must battle the smelliest nastiest grossest giants ever in order to save the Pupununu Village from their stinky foulness!
"Includes Bonus segment of the TV series - Big Boss Brawl"
Play mini games with friends!
Attack with spectacular juju magic!
Perform amazing acrobatic moves!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy & Anime themes.