Based on the Cartoon Network's animated series, Super Hero Squad features pint-sized versions of Marvel's comic book heroes and villains, with content aimed at a younger demographic of four- to ten-year-olds. The squad is on a mission to retrieve a series of Infinity Fractals before they can be assembled into a sword with ability-altering powers. Since Dr. Doom and his "Lethal Legion" of cohorts are also trying to recover the Infinity Fractals, you'll have to thwart their progress at every opportunity.
Playable heroes and villains include Captain America, Spider-Man, Falcon, Hulk, Iron Man, Juggernaut, Dr. Doom, Wolverine, Silver Surfer, Thing, Thor, and Ms. Marvel. Each character possesses distinct super powers and combo attacks, with the gameplay consisting of punching, kicking, and blasting rivals while traveling across themed environments. Advance through six campaigns by yourself or with a friend in the "Adventure Mode," or engage up to three friends for competitive action in the "Battle Mode."
* Play as pint-sized versions of Spider-Man, Thor, Thing, Hulk, Iron Man, and more
* Team up with a friend for cooperative action across six campaigns
* Challenge up to three rivals in the competitive Battle Mode
Welcome to Super Hero City! Fight for good, fight to defeat evil, or just fight for fun!
Choose from over 20 super heroes and villains.
6 action-packed campaigns in adventure mode
Race to gain new super powers
4 players in battle mode: all-in, 2-on-2, or 3-on-1
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Superheroes, SCIFI & Fantasy themes.