Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo), also known as Jigoku Shojo: Girl from Hell, is an anime series produced by Aniplex and Studio Deen. It focuses on the existence of a supernatural system that allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of the mysterious titular character and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.
It premiered across Japan on numerous television stations, including Animax, Tokyo MX, MBS and others, between October 4, 2005 and April 4, 2006. Following the success of the first season, the series was followed soon after into a second, Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, which premiered October 7, 2006 across Japan on Animax.[citation needed] A live-action television series adaptation started airing in Japan on Nippon Television from November 4, 2006.[citation needed] A third season of the anime, further continuing the series, was first announced on the mobile version of the series' official website Jigoku Tsushin. The official title of the third season was announced to be Jigoku Shojo Mitsuganae. and began airing on Japanese TV October 4, 2008.
In the first season, the story soon follows a journalist named Shibata Hajime, a former blackmailer, and his daughter Tsugumi who shares a strange connection with the Hell Girl as they investigate the truth behind the Hell Girl. In the second season, a mysterious young girl from Hell, named Kikuri who is able to travel freely between Earth and the Twilight realm where Ai resides, is introduced. Later, the plot centers around Takuma Kurebayashi, a boy who is blamed by his townsfolk for causing disappearances around the town that are in reality caused by the townsfolk using the Hell Correspondence. In the third season, Kikuri returns to recruit Ai's assistants along with a yokai named Yamawaro, who accepts an old offer from Ai to become her fourth assistant. The story follows Ai's mysterious possession of a young schoolgirl, Yuzuki Mikage
Jigoku Shoujo Mioyosuga: Somewhere in the vast sea of the Internet, there's a website that can only be accessed at the stroke of midnight. Known as the Jigoku Tsushin, rumor has it that if you post a grudge there, the Jigoku Shoujo will appear and drag whoever torments you into the inferno. Very little is known about the girl - all we know for sure is that she lives with her equally enigmatic grandmother, that three magical straw dolls accompany and serve her, and that whenever a posting on the Jigoku Tsushin moves her, she becomes the Jigoku Shoujo.
Appeared in the popular PS2 anime "Hell Girl" becomes a mystery adventure in the world of Japanese horror taste! By the choice of character to be the hero, the story evolved from the point of view of each, novel bonus mode or system, too! Resentment to grow and tragedy to be repeated .... Is it a who exactly is hell girl Rui-deities of one another! ?
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Romance, Demons, Mystery & Anime themes.