RAD: Robot Alchemic Drive is an anime-inspired shooter starring 70-ton bipedal robots (called Meganites) that must battle their way across fully destructible urban environments. Unlike most games in the genre, players help guide the robot using a teenage character running along the ground. Pressing a button instantly switches control between the robot and teen, allowing the human character to scout ahead and locate potential trouble. An alien force has besieged the planet, dropping beast-like robots called Volgara throughout the city in an effort to wreak as much havoc and mayhem as possible.
Four modes of play include Story, Tutorial, Challenge, and Versus Mode. Story offers players a chance to guide their character and robot through over 50 missions or episodes, learning more about the mysterious threat as they progress. Tutorial lets players practice the unusual control scheme in two missions designed to familiarize them with walking, punching, and firing at different targets. Challenge lets players revisit past episodes unlocked during Story mode to practice various battle techniques and strategies. Versus Mode lets two players battle it out on a split screen, with adjustable parameters in locale, heroes, robots, and controls.
Before beginning the game, players choose which of the three characters they would like to portray: Naoto Tsukioka, Ryo Tsukioka, and Yui Tsukioka. The choice of character not only dictates the storyline, but also influences the type of robot players will command. One can transform into a plane, another switches into a tank, while the third uses its fists as projectiles. Missiles, lasers, and other weapons are also available, and each robot can be further customized with additional parts. Fans of Cowboy Bebop may recognize the character designs, which were drawn by show creator Toshihiro Kawamoto.
* Teenage characters can view an overhead map, talk to people, run, and jump while on the ground
* Meganites can engage in hand-to-hand combat using the dual analog sticks to initiate punches, throws, grabs, and blocks
* Special attacks vary for each robot and include lasers, missiles, cannons, torpedoes, and flamethrowers
* Modify each robot with new parts, develop weapons, change attack commands, and more from the hangar
* Players can earn money while completing missions to spend on equipment research
Wield a powerful remote control unit and take command of a 120-foot tall, fully armed transforming Meganite titan. Crush anything in your path and smash your way to victory.
- Unique control mechanism simulates remote control of huge robots.
- Destructible environments.
- Incredible sense of scale.
- Split-screen mode for 2-player robot bashing.
- R&D system enables customization of robots.
Character design Toshihiro Kawamoto.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI, Futuristic & Fantasy themes.