Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) is a Japanese manga series written by Buronson and drawn by Tetsuo Hara that was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1983 to 1988, spanning 245 chapters, which were initially collected in a 27-volume tankobon edition by Shueisha. Set in a post-apocalyptic world that has been destroyed by a nuclear war, the story centers around a warrior named Kenshiro, the successor of a deadly martial art style known as Hokuto Shinken, which gives him the ability to kill most adversaries from within through the use of the human body's secret vital points, often resulting in an exceptionally violent and gory death. Kenshiro dedicates his life to fighting against the various ravagers who threaten the lives of the weak and innocent, as well as rival martial artists, including his own "brothers" from the same clan.
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.11 - Hokuto no Ken: Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 11: Hokuto no Ken is PlayStation 2 remake of the 1986 Mark III arcade game, inspired by the anime of the same name. The PS2 edition sports all-new motion-captured animation, overhauled graphics with polygons replacing the sprites of old, additional stages and characters, as well as an added boss battle mode. Hokuto no Ken is known as Fist of the North Star in the west. Released only in Japan, the 2500 in the title stands for the game's budget price of Yen 2,500.
This is a budget remake of the Master System's fighting/RPG hybrid Hokuto no Ken based on the popular manga of the same name.
In the game you play as Kenshirou, "The Fist of the North Star" a lone warrior that roams the wastes of a post-apocalyptic earth which has now reverted to a collection of shanty towns ruled by feudal lords in search of his long lost love. But before he gets to her, he must deal with the ganglords and evildoers that populate earth with the knowledge and power of the North Star school of martial arts.
The game plays like most 3D one-on-one fighting games, face against opponents in hand to hand bouts and make use of your character's special moves and combos to defeat them. This PS2 remake updates the original with all-new polygonal graphics as well as reworked music and SFX, including full voiceovers for all characters. Also available is the emulated original version for the Master System.
"Fist of the North Star," which was released in Segamaku 3 is back at last beyond the end of the century! Graphic is full of all polygons. By motion capture, and realistic movement of the characters! On the only boss fight "KenKiyoshi mode" has been added, I have to realize also coupling with the original version.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI, Fantasy, Martial Arts & Anime themes.