Love Hina is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ken Akamatsu. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine by Kodansha from October 21, 1998 to October 31, 2001 and was published in 14 tankobon volumes by Kodansha. The series tells the story of Keitaro Urashima and his attempts to find the girl with whom he made a childhood promise to enter Tokyo University. The manga was licensed for an English language release in North America and the United Kingdom by Tokyopop, in Australia by Madman Entertainment, in Poland by Waneko and in Singapore by Chuang Yi. Two novelizations of Love Hina, written by two anime series screenwriters, were also released in Japan by Kodansha. Both novels were later released in North America and the United Kingdom by Tokyopop.
In the new Love Hina game, Love Hina Gojasu - Chiratto Happening!! (aka Love Hina - Gorgeous Chiratto Happening) from Konami, players inhabit the unsteady body of Keitaro Urashima, a Tokyo University aspirant who must juggle his responsibilities as a dorm manager and a student in search of college. Keitaro starts off with a miserable "D" average and must bring that up to at least a "B" lest his grandmother send him off to Paris for some culture and learning. To complicate matters, a bevy of dorm beauties foil any normal routines that he might hope to groove into. The PS2 game features interaction sequences, multiple choice exams and mini-games whose successful navigation allow Keitaro to move one step closer to Todai.
The first limited edition of Love Hina Gorgeous includes two decks of 20 trading cards and accompanyng transparent overlay sheets which allow an otaku to simulate wacky Love Hina events by transposing the various clear sheets over the cards. The game and cards are packed in a decorative collector's box.
Set in the Hinata Sou, adventure game that member "Love Hina" will cause mayhem! Keitaro around you've promised to emigrate to Paris following the results of mock is bad, and Shinobu made ??to the original, the device is deployed our new episode no. Lots and service is cut and action events using the analog stick!
- Third & First person perspectives.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Romance, Humour & Anime themes.