D.N.Angel is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yukiru Sugisaki. The ongoing manga premiered in Japan in the Kadokawa Shoten shojo magazine Monthly Asuka in November 1997. The series went on an extended hiatus after the August 2005 issue, returning in the April 2008 issue. Kadokawa Shoten has collected the individual chapters and published them in 15 tankobon volumes so far. The manga series is licensed for English language release in North America and the United Kingdom by Tokyopop, which has released 13 volumes of the series as of 2011.
Xebec adapted the manga into a 26-episode anime series which aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from April 3, 2003 until September 25, 2003.
D.N.Angel began life as a manga in the Japanese monthly magazine Asuka. Creator Yukiyu Sugisaki has also penned such works as BrainPowerd, Candidate for Goddess and Lagoon Engine. Similar to many other popular manga, D.N.Angel was eventually transformed into a television series which featured a storyline that was different from the manga. The PS2 game follows the story from the animation.
As the story goes, Daisuke Niwa is an average teenager with a crush on a girl named Risa Harada. That would be the end of the story except for the blood which courses through the veins of the males in Daisuke's clan. When a member of the Niwa bloodline reaches age 14, a DNA love trigger is activated which allows the males of the family to transform into a phantom thief known as Dark Mousy. When Daisuke reaches his 14th birthday, he resolves to ask his beloved Risa for a date but before he can even hand over his love letter, she tells him how great it is that they are friends. Platonic friends.
Crestfallen, Daisuke withholds the letter and sinks into numbness. Later that night, while admiring a photo of Risa, Daisuke feels a stirring inside of him and changes into Dark Mousy - master thief and scourge of donut-eating law enforcement everywhere. Love changes Daisuke into Mousy and vice versa. Dark Mousy bounds forth into various capers and attracts the attention of Risa who develops a crush on him. Dark Mousy however fancies Risa's sister Riku... so it becomes a bizarre love triangle of sorts.
A PlayStation 2 video game, D.N.Angel - Kurenai no Tsubasa was published by Takara. The game was released in Japan on September 25, 2003 to coincide with the conclusion of the anime adaptation. However, the game storyline is closer to the manga, and even mentions past events from the manga that would make it inconsistent with the anime. Subtitled Crimson Wings, Takara takes a popular Japanese manga-turned-anime and churns it into a flick-action interactive simulation.
In the PS2 game, players take control of Daisuke Niwa and juggle the personalities of a teenager in love, a master thief and the search for something called the Crimson Wing. As an added treat for fans, the voice actors and actresses from the television series provide their vocal talents in the PS2 video game.
The adventure game of the "D · N · ANGEL" popular in anime! It becomes hero and Niwa Daisuke, a variety of get the information and items in the location, purpose is to look for became scattered "red wings". Like the original settings, because Daisuke is "large Thief Dark" under the influence of love gene, Let's go to capture while successfully distinguish the Daisuke and Dark.
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Romance, Fantasy & Anime themes.