Girls Bravo is a Japanese shonen manga series written and illustrated by Mario Kaneda and serialized from 2000 to 2005 in Shonen Ace by Kadokawa Shoten. The story focuses on a young high school student who is kicked into a bathtub and transported to a mysterious world with a mostly female population. The anime adaptation of Girls Bravo, directed by Ei Aoki and animated by AIC Spirits, aired in Japan from 2004 to 2005. There are 24 episodes total. The anime series was released in English by Geneon, and the manga was released in English by Tokyopop.
Yukinari Sasaki is an average high school student who was teased and bullied by girls to the point that he developed an allergic reaction to them. As a result, he breaks out in hives whenever he comes into contact with a female. One day, when he returns home from school, he gets kicked into his bathtub by Kirie Kojima, his neighbor, and is transported to Seiren, a mysterious world with a mostly female population. Eventually, Yukinari befriends Miharu Sena Kanaka as well as her sister Maharu.
Girls Bravo - Romance 15's is a visual novel for the PlayStation 2 loosely based on the Girls Bravo Manga Series and Girls Bravo Anime Series. It was developed by Kadokawa Shoten and released exclusively in Japan on January 27, 2005.
The player controls Yukinari Sasaki. He has a Female Allergy Improvement System used to measure how long he's been near girls and how severe his allergic reactions have become. If he spends too much time around girls, he will faint. If he manages to spend enough time with girls without getting allergic, his resistance level gets higher. He can choose to be with Miharu Sena Kanaka, Kirie Kojima, Koyomi Hare Nanaka, Tomoka Lana Jude, or a new character named Canada. Whoever he spends the most time with becomes his lover and determines the ending of the game.
The Deluxe Pack version was released in a box that contains a DVD, a drama cd, a bath set & a giant poster.
High tension romantic comedy weaves and heroines of six! The game of the same name comic, added new heroine. The success that the new system of law breaking that goes in contact with the girls to the extent that the hero and YukiNaru female allergy is not fainted allergic, to create a new strategy. You spend time with any heroine freedom! Day-to-day of noisy YukiNaru begins!
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- High School Romance & Anime themes.