Negima! Magister Negi Magi, known in Japan as Magical Teacher Negima! is a manga series written and illustrated by Ken Akamatsu (known for his best selling title Love Hina). Published by Kodansha and serialized in Shonen Magazine in Japan, it was also being translated into English and published by Del Rey Manga in the United States and Canada prior to Kodansha establishing a U.S. division. The series is licensed for English-language distribution in the United Kingdom by Tanoshimi.
Negi Springfield is a ten-year-old wizard from Wales, who dreams of becoming a Magister Magi (Approximate Latin translation: "Master of Magic" or "Master Mage"), a special wizard who uses his powers to help normal people, using covers such as working for NGOs. Negi's reason for becoming a Magister Magi is to find his father, Nagi Springfield, the legendary mage also known as the "Thousand Master", who is believed to be dead.
After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, Negi is given a duty as a cover in the real world, and training, before he actually becomes a Magister Magi. That duty is to become an English teacher at Mahora Academy in Japan. The task will not be easy, however, as Negi will become a teacher to a Middle School class of 31 older girls, each very special in her own way.
Mahou Sensei Negima! 1-Jikanme Okochama Sensei wa Mahoutsukai! is the first PS2 game based on the manga of the same name. Very loosely corresponds to the events of the first three volumes of the manga.
The Tokutaisei Version was released in a box that contents:
- Mahou Sensei Negima! 1 Tokime - Magister Negi Magi (Tokutaisei Version)
- Bonus CD
After the success of Love Hina, Ken Akamatsu pours his creative animus into Magic Teacher Negima and hearkens back to his Ai Ga Tomaranai roots. Enter Negi Springfield, all of 10 years old and a recent graduate of a school for wizards. Sent to Japan as a teacher for a group of 30 teenage girls, Negi attempts to hide his magic powers but a sharp-eyed student named Asuna Kagurazaka ferrets him out and exposes his true nature. Of the 30 girls, there are 10 redheads, four blondes, two with white hair, and four sporting blue or purple hair. One gal's got green locks and the rest are brunettes.
The PS2 game consists of 3-D action/exploration where Negi roams around the school campus and helps girls out in tasks and interaction events. There's also a few mini-games peppered along the way. The overriding goal is to help class 2A pass the final exam which is in a mere 2 weeks with the (primarily) magic of education... In the exploration and action scenes, Negi and students are presented in polygon form where they move around and perform actions in real time motion. In the interaction scenes, the visuals turn to crisp and clean artwork presentations with voice work from the original television and drama CD actresses. Throughout the game, Negi carries an gnarled wooden staff which is taller than he is but it is through the staff that he channels his magic spells and other wizardly tricks.
Popular comic "Negima! "Appeared in the training and Adventure. Student teacher, Mr. leek age of 10 or become an official teacher is allowed to escape from the seat of final exam "million years the lowest" the students,2-A in the witch! ? Sub episode with the girls of marked also included a large number. Let's enjoy the mood of the teacher at the girls' school advice and study the conversation with the students!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D & 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Magic, Fantasy, Humour & Anime themes.