Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water is a Japanese animated television series inspired by the works of Jules Verne, particularly Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and the exploits of Captain Nemo. The series was created by NHK, Toho and Korad, from a concept of Hayao Miyazaki, and directed by Hideaki Anno of Gainax.
The series follows a young inventor named Jean and a former circus performer named Nadia, who wishes to return to her home in Africa.
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia - Inherit the Blue Water: Fushigi no Umi no Nadia starts off at the Paris Exposition Universelle (World's Fair) in 1889 where the Eiffel Tower is unveiled to the masses and serves as the gateway into the Fair. The protagonist takes a train to the venue and eventually meets up with Nadia and cohorts. After an encounter with a pair of hoodlums and their redheaded mistress, Nadia and player are inducted into the crew of a submarine named the Eltrium.
Part interactive adventure and full-blown submarine action game, Nadia serves as an engrossing experience for fans of the animation. After pressing "Start" at the main menu, the option to hone one's submarine skills may be tested in the Tutorial which contains six lessons for maneuvering a submarine and attacking enemy subs. The action portion of the game is viewed from an overhead perspective where the sub is represented by a little icon which surges through a grid-based ocean. The left Dual Shock analog thumbstick controls direction while the right analog thumbstick provides thrust. Two meters which measure Speed and Shield are located on the lower left corner of the screen. Four options are available to the submarine crew during battle: Attack / Repair / Info / Electora.
When surrounded by enemy subs, the speed should be set at a fairly high rate in order to dodge incoming torpedoes. To attack, simply select the option and choose to fire off homing torpedoes, aerial missiles, or set the B. Guard. One does not have to face an enemy in order to attack and the versatile weapon system will guide ordnance towards enemies just by highlighting a target and firing away. Between shots, there is a lag time as the crew reloads but between the torpedoes and missiles, most cadres of enemy subs are no match for a speedy Eltrium. Little spot animations appear during weapon launches and enemy missile strikes to add to the action-drama. When the sub's hull has been damaged, it's repair time which will stop the engine and leave the Eltium a sitting duck while the crew fixes things. An ever-present sonar keeps watch on nearby depths for signs of enemies and it's imperative to rev up the engines once again to speed away when killer subs close in.
The Limited Edition of Nadia includes a second DVD which contains interactive games and assorted mini-games.
Adventure game popular anime "Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water". Original story of all Chapter 10 expands adventure part of the conversation center, in two parts of the simulation part of submarine warfare, original character Sophia comes up, too. The adventure unfolds differently and become a hero Jean, over the blue water and Nadia, and animation.
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI, Futuristic, Fantasy & Anime themes.