Gin Tama, also known as Gintama, is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi and serialized, beginning on December 8, 2003, in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump. Set in Edo which has been conquered by aliens named Amanto, the plot follows life from the point of view of samurai Gintoki Sakata, who works as a freelancer alongside his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura in order to pay the monthly rent. Sorachi added the science fiction setting to develop characters to his liking after his editor suggested doing a historical series.
In the late Edo period, humanity is attacked by aliens called "Amanto". The samurai of Japan join the battle against the aliens, but when the Shogun realizes the power of aliens, he betrays the samurai and surrenders to the aliens. The Shogun writes an unequal contract with aliens which allows the aliens to enter the country and places a ban on carrying swords in public. The swords of samurai are taken away so they can no longer resist the aliens. After that the Shogunate becomes a puppet government. The plot is focused on an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata who helps a teenager named Shinpachi Shimura save his sister Tae from a group of aliens who want to make her part of a brothel.
Gintama Gin-San to Issho! Boku no Kabuki Machi Nikki is a visual novel based on the manga with an original storyline divided into 90 short stories and featuring full voice for the characters and different game endings. In some of the episodes the game got some actions sequences in which the player has to press the Circle Button repeatedly, and other mini game sequences.
Oedo Adventure can enjoy the world of popular manga "Gintama" appeared on PS2! Original story is developed in full voice at the same taste and anime original, short stories that recorded 90 or more episodes! Can enjoy again and again even after clearing a multi-ending! I have also included mini-games of five that take advantage of the view of the world of the original!
- First & Third person perspectives.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Medieval Japan & Anime themes.