If this is your first visit to this site is better to first check this so can now know what will you find in the Playstation Datacenter. Now is time to explain a little each part of the site:

    1 - SITE NEWS: There we always put the updates that we made to the site, like new entries added, entries updates or even new parts of the site that are added or updated.
    2 - INFORMATION: Info about the site and about the PSOne console and the different controllers that it got. You're already here.
    3 - EMULATION: Info about the different emulators avaliables for this console, most of them with a configuration guide.
    4 - DOWNLOADS: Download here emulators; game manuals; audio, cdrom, pad and video plugins; utilities (PEC, ePSXecutor and others), etc.
    5 - COMMENTS: Explanation about where to post any kind of comment about this site.
    6 - CONTRIBUTE: Explanation about how to contribute and where to post your contributions to the site, please read this before contribute to the site.
    7 - REPORT ERRORS: We're humans and we can make mistakes, so if there is anything that got any kind of mistake please report them where this part of the site tell you to do it, we want this site to be as accourate as it can be so any help is always welcome.
    8 - LINKS: Friends sites and sites that we think that could interest you, please check them.

This is the most important part of this site, here you will find all the game entries. This part is divided into 3 different regions:
    1 - NTSC-U: Games that were released in the United States. A few of them were only released there.
    2 - NTSC-J: Games that were released in Japan and Asia. Most of them only were released there. Is the part of the site that got more games.
    3 - PAL: Games that were released in Europe. There are some of them that were only released there. Is the second part of the site in number of games.

In the upper part of each list you will see that we got a button for each letter so pressing each of them will take you straight to the part of the list with all the games that got that letter.

Each game list is divided into 3 different parts:
    1 - ?: Here when we got an entry for that game you will see a button named "INFO", clicking there will take you to the game entry.
    2 - SERIAL: Every game when it was released got his own serial that difference him from the rest of versions that that game got in each region. For example in Japan there are games that got some re-releases and got a different serial for each release, or in PAL there are games that were released in different languages depending of the game serial.
    3 - TITLE: Here there is the name of the game, we want it to be accourate to the one that the game shows in his cover, if there is any mistake feel free to report it in the REPORT ERRORS part of the site.

This is important, since as I said in the SERIAL part some games got different releases depending of the language is important to say what language got each game release. In the Playstation Datacenter we're going to use this letters for each language:

    [E]: English language.
    [J]: Japanese language.
    [F]: French language.
    [G]: German language.
    [I]: Italian language.
    [S]: Spanish language.
    [Du]: Dutch language.
    [D]: Danks language.
    [Fi]: Finnish language.
    [N]: Norweigan language.
    [P]: Portuguese language.
    [Sw]: Swedish language.

IMPORTANT: When a game only got one of these letters that game serial only got that language, if a game serial got more than one letter, the game is multilanguage.

What happens when you click an INFO button? that it will take you to a game entry. In each game entry you will find:
    1 - GAME INFORMATION: Here we put the game title, serial number, the region, the game style, developer, publisher, rating and release date.
    2 - DISC INFORMATION: Disc serial, number of disc, number of tracks (most of the games only got one track, but some of them got a data track and some audio tracks for those game you will need a proper cue that can be downloaded from our downloads page), sizes and UPC / EAN barcodes (the code that appear in each game back cover).
    3 - LANGUAGES: The languages that each game have.
    4 - GAME DESCRIPTION: Here we describe each game and talk about it a little (gameplay, story, manufacturer's description, features, etc.)
    5 - GAME FEATURES: Number of players, compatible controllers (and special controllers if they are supported by the game), vibration compatibility, multi-tap or link cable compatibility, etc.
    6 - SCREENSHOTS: 6 screenshots for each game.
    7 - EMULATION COMPATIBILITY: We tested each game on emulators and tell you about the best configuration for each game.
    8 - GAME CONTROLS: How to play that game? Here you will find each game controls.
    9 - GAME CHEATS / SPOILERS: Do you want to see if there is any cheat for a specific game? Check this part. We put the most important cheats for each game, and some walkthroughs (if you made a walkthrough and want it to be on the site please CONTRIBUTE it), and game codes to be used on PEC or in gameshark, action replay or Xploder program.
    10 - HIGH RESOLUTION COVERS: The best covers that we could find or add to each game can be find in this part, if you anything that is not there please CONTRIBUTE them.
    11 - OTHER REGIONS RELEASED: As I said before there are some games that got more than one release in different regions and even in the same regions, here we list all the versions that each game have.
    12 - COMMENTS: Here we post the names of the Contributors to that entry, and some things that we think about that game.